2012 Scarlet Knights

2012 Scarlet Knights
The 2012 FCYCT-Scarlet Knights (20 of 25 kids) before racing in Rhinelander.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Knightly News For 2011-11-15

The FCYCT-Scarlet Knights WORS season came to an end on Saturday, October 23rd at the WORS banquet. It was a great place for the team to reflect and connect one last time in 2011.  The biggest prize of the season was the kids winning the overall team award for the Junior Division.  Individual highlights included Jacob winning first place in the 13-14 year old division with Alex finishing second and Grant finishing third.  In the overall Junior Male 11-12 year old division, Aaron finished with a very strong 2nd place, Ben in 4th, Cole in 5th, and Dylan in 7th.  Katy wrapped up a great season with 4th place overall in the Junior Female 9-10 year olds.  Daniel finished just 18 points from a top five overall with a very strong second half of the season to finish 8th in the Citizen (category 3) 14 & under category.   All are very respectable results for a group of kids who are just getting their feet wet in the sport. 
Looking back at WORS 2011, some of my memories are a very cold day in Iola.  Rhinelander brings memories of a rainy spaghetti team dinner at a camper, along with a couple of team members learning that it is not easy for mom to drive you across the state so you can race.  Of course who will ever forget a boom of thunder during the night that left no one sleeping in Rhinelander!   The Wausau race confirmed the team was to be taken seriously.  Mt Morris was a late Saturday afternoon race that tested the kids improving technical skills.    Chippewa Valley saw the sun shine just before the start and made a short technical course very tricky which led to several team members falling and learning how to overcome it.  Alterra tested the kids’ climbing skills and became a breakthrough race for several riders.   At the Battle of Camrock, team members struggled in the start gate which forced them to fight back for position through the race.  The River Falls Border Battle was a great family weekend of camping and was a team favorite.   We are sorry to see River Falls absent in the 2012 schedule.  The Reforestation Ramble lived up to its reputation as a ‘put it in the big ring’ and hammer race.    Treadfest was another weekend of family camping and racing on a great course.  Bear Paw- how can I not mention the rain and how the kids looked after the race?  I think this race showed how courageous these kids were as several parents passed on racing in the rain but all 9 kids stepped up to the start line.  Wigwam was a wonderfully warm, sunny day that was a perfect race to end the season.   It also included a record number of parents racing and included potential for new team members and growth in 2012.
As I reflected on the inaugural season on my way home from Wigwam, I gave thanks that there were no serious injuries to any kids.  I also thought that as parents, we grow as well. I remember being apprehensive early in the season about sending my son and others out to race on some courses.  I also remember getting the kids together for a good warm up in Rhinelander.   However, by the last race at Wigwam, we left it up to them to make sure they were warmed up and ready to race.   During my drive home from Wigwam, I also found myself smiling more than a grown man probably should.  I have a group of 9 kids to thank for that.  

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